List of Squares 21 to 40 Chart, PDF Download

List of Squares 21 to 40

If a number is multiplied by the same number, then the obtained number is called the square of that number.

(किसी संख्या को यदि उसी संख्या से गुणा किया जाए तो प्राप्त संख्या उसी संख्या का वर्ग कहलाती है।) Values of Squares 21 to 40

 Square 21 to 30

Square 21 to 30
21221 × 21441
22222 × 22484
23223 × 23529
24224 × 24576
25225 × 25625
26226 × 26676
27227 × 27729
28228 × 28784
29229 × 29841
30230 × 30900

Square 31 to 40

Square  31 to 40
31231 × 31961
32232 × 321024
33233 × 331089
34234 × 341156
35235 × 351225
36236 × 361296
37237 × 371369
38238 × 381444
39239 × 391521
40240 × 401600

Squares 21 to 40 (Even Numbers)

The Even Numbers From 21 to 40 are 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40.

Square  21 to 40 (Even)
22222 × 22484
24224 × 24576
26226 × 26676
28228 × 28784
30230 × 30900
32232 × 321024
34234 × 341156
36236 × 361296
38238 × 381444
40240 × 401600

Squares 21 to 40 (Odd Numbers)

The Odd Numbers from 21 to 40 are 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39.

Squares  21 to 40 (ODD)
21221 × 21441
23223 × 23529
25225 × 25625
27227 × 27729
29229 × 29841
31231 × 31961
33233 × 331089
35235 × 351225
37237 × 371369
39239 × 391521

Also read- Squares 1 to 20

Squares 21 to 40 Chart

 Squares 21- 40 Chart  
212  =  441312  =  961
222  =  484322  =  1024
232  =  529332  =  1089
242  =  576342  =  1156
252  =  625352  =  1225
262  =  676362  =  1296
272  =  729372  =  1369
282  =  784382  =  1444
292  =  841392  =  1521
302  =  900402  =  1600

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